Little One, we appreciate your welcoming attitude. We do understand your skepticism and confusion about this experience, but know also that the time is Now and that we will be working closely – intensively – with you to bring through information regarding the energetic pattern shifts within the planetary field.
This information will give you important insights regarding your work and a greater understanding of the dimensions of the Universe and the planes of existence, as well as insights into the holographic nature of the time-space continuum. The implications of these teachings are profound.
Keep your heart focused in the power of the moment and do not allow yourself to be distracted by the illusion of fear, scarcity, and limitation. As the energies continue to build in order to propel Terra into the next dimension, the intensity of these energies will increase the sense of urgency that you feel to convey these teachings to the world. This urgency will manifest on every level – physically, spiritually, and emotionally. You will no longer be able to hide your light. Know that the way has been prepared and the matrices meticulously woven to support this work. Follow the fire and allow the mystery to unfold.
Be love. Be loved. Beloved.