Little One, be with us now. We know that all is well with you, but do you know this also? Do you feel the grace of the moment? You are experiencing much wonder as you watch the miraculous unfold. Do you feel the pulsing of the Love Force? Love, precious child, is the gift of the gods, the triumph of the angels, and the song of your soul.
Allow yourself to expand in order to feel the joy that comes from the profound knowledge that you are loved without condition. Let your joy be without condition also. For this is the will of the Beloved: that joy fill your being. Rejoice in the supreme assurance that, in every moment, you are beloved. Rest within the tender care of the Beloved’s embrace. Do you hear Him sweetly calling your name? Will you welcome Him?
We have heard your soul’s longing. We have felt your heart’s hunger. Allow yourself to be filled by the abundance of the Universe. The boards are off the windows now, Dear One. Explore the wonders of the new terrain and the new vistas, which are opened to you.
You have passed through a gateway. Feel the wonder and the magnitude of the energetic shifts. The road has been paved for your journey. The guides and helpers are waiting to assist your progress. Know that you do not travel alone and how abundantly you are loved. We will not betray you. We will not abandon you. These are our words to you. Know the truth.
Be love. Be loved. Beloved.